Film series: Live Projection Performances

image from Roger Beebe's projection performance LIGHT OF A DYING STAR
One aspect that sets cinema viewing apart from watching movies at home is the collective durational experience, from a room full of people all experiencing the same filmed moment at the same time. Add to that the unpredictable thrill of live performance and you have a wholly unique, never-to-be-replicated cinema event! Cornell Cinema is thrilled to present two such events this semester.
Spanish filmmaker Luis Macias will perform a live projector performance, Your Eyes are Spectral Machines, on March 30 (rescheduled from March 2020). Incorporating both live manipulation of multiple 16mm projectors, as well as 35mm slide projectors, Luis Macias is a self-stylized image recycler, and is a co-founder of Crater Lab, an independent film laboratory in Barcelona.
American filmmaker Roger Beebe is no stranger to cinematic re-appropriation and recycling, as his work since 2006 consists primarily of multiple-projector performances and essayistic videos that explore the world of found images and the “found” landscapes of late capitalism. His Films for 1 – 8 Projectors (April 14) will feature a series of 16mm multi-projector performances, including the seven-projector showstopper Light of a Dying Star (2008/2011), as well as a sampling of recent essay videos, presented as live-narrated documentaries.
Cosponsored with the Cornell Council for the Arts.