Film series: Science on Screen®

Cornell Cinema is pleased to participate for the first time this year in Science on Screen®.
An initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre in partnership with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Science on Screen® supports creative pairings of current, classic, cult, and documentary films with lively introductions by notable figures from the world of science, technology, and medicine.
Cornell Cinema’s program will foreground cutting-edge research happening across campus and include topics such as food science, environmental governance, deep fake technology, and particle physics. Each screening will feature an introduction by and post-screening discussion with a resident expert on the topic at hand.
Koyaanisqatsi and Environmental (Mis)management
with Professor Steven Wolf (CALS)
Thursday, February 1 at 7pm
Another Body and the Dangers of Deepfake Technology
with Professors Gili Vidan (InfoSci) and Austin Bunn (A&S)
Wednesday, February 7 at 7pm
Babette's Feast and the Science of Taste
with Professors Chris Loss (CALS), Terry Acree (CALS), and PhD student Hetvi Doshi (Human Ecology)
Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30pm
Worlds Collide – Particle Fever, CLASSE, and the Future of Particle Physics
with post-doc Xuan Chen (CLASSE)
Thursday, April 11 at 7pm
Back to the Future and the Future of Electric Vehicles
with Professor Eilyan Bitar (Engineering)
Wednesday, May 1 at 7pm
Science on Screen® is an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.