Film series: Doc Spots

A man dressed in light blue sleeping atop a stone statue in a lush garden.
"Orlando, My Political Biography" (2023) Courtesy of Janus Films.
A fearful looking man and child held under arrest by a solider in camouflage fatigues.
Still from "Green Border" (2023) Courtesy of Kino Lorber.

Our annual "Doc Spots" series features a dynamic range of non-fiction films around the world, foregrounding powerful narratives and compelling storytelling techniques. 

Highlights this semester include Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie's Sugarcane, a searing investigation into the forced separation, assimilation, and abuse many Indigenous children experienced at Canadian residential boarding schools run by the Catholic Church; Film is Dead. Long Live Film!, Peter Flynn's heartfelt tribute to independent film collectors that have preserved much cinema history; and The Laughing Boy (An Buachaill Geal Gáireach), the remarkable and untold story of an Irish song that gained new life as a resistance anthem during the Greek Revolution.

Many films are cosponsored by Cornell departments and programs and will feature introductions and post-screening discussions with faculty.

Related films

An old, deteriorated film strip with a series of black and white images. The film strip has visible damage and rust, indicating age and decay. The images on the film appear to be from an early 20th-century performance or play, featuring individuals in per

Film is Dead. Long Live Film!


A black and while photo of a distressed man with his hands behind his head, kneeling next to a child, with a solider in army fatigues and a large gun in the foreground.

Green Border


A person lying on top of a large rock or stone structure, which appears to be part of an outdoor sculpture. There is another sculpture of a seated figure with a flowing robe and what seems to be wings, possibly depicting an angel or mythical being. The sc

Orlando, My Political Biography


A vintage photograph of a group of people wearing carnivalesque costumes and masks while standing in the middle of an urban street.

Pictures of Ghosts


A group of five individuals standing outdoors. They appear to be gathered for an event or announcement, as indicated by the presence of a microphone in front of one individual. The setting includes a building in the background and it seems to be a cloudy

Sugarcane with Ghosts

