The Batman

Scene from the film The Batman
image from the film THE BATMAN (2022)
image from the film THE BATMAN (2022)

A new investigation into the superhero who needs no introduction, The Batman is at once a thrilling blockbuster, and a bleak psychological portrait of a character whose strength has always lied in acting as both the emblematic caped crimefighter, and a critique of it.

As we follow Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) on the trail of The Riddler (Paul Dano), a killer obsessed with uncovering the corruption of Gotham, he and we are forced to consider just how different the Batman is from the criminals he chases.

“Operatic, simmering, and replete with a smoky noir atmosphere, The Batman is an enthralling package of contradictions. It is in many ways the ideal amalgamation of Batman and his 80-plus years of history.” (Inverse)

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