La Strada (on demand Jan 26–Feb 6)

FREE to Spring 2022 All Access Pass holders!
$6 ($4.50 + $1.50 fee) to all single ticket purchasers.
The Italian master himself designated La Strada—usually described along with La Dolce Vita and 8 1/2 as one of his three great masterpieces—as the most "representative" and "autobiographical" of his films, the one to which he feels most attached. Fellini's third solo film chronicles the fairy tale road story of Zampano (Quinn), the loutish strong man with ultimately only one pathetic trick, and Gelsomina (Masina), the dim-witted innocent whom he buys to play his clown and exploits at every opportunity.
Winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Film.
more info at this website:
In Italian