Dark Waters

In Todd Haynes’ latest, Mark Ruffalo plays the lawyer who took on chemical giant DuPont on a decades-long toxic-waste lawsuit brought by the people of Parkersburg, West Virginia.
“The subtle brilliance of its mise-en-scene, from 1980s Ohio boardrooms and rubber-chicken dinners to all-black wait staff and the casual discrimination against women, beds the story in the awful truth.” (Screen Daily)
“What makes it a Haynes film, besides the evocative camera genius of Haynes regular Ed Lachman, is something intangible and mysterious. The director’s admirers will think immediately of Safe, the 1995 indie classic starring Julianne Moore as a wife and mother who thinks she’s being poisoned by something unidentifiable in the environment. That feeling of dread pervades throughout, and deepens the film’s scarily timely themes beyond the usual demands of docudrama.” (Rolling Stone)
website: focusfeatures.com/dark-waters