Spirited Away

Ever wondered where ghosts, gods and spirits go to relax? The answer is a bathhouse in Japan where a partly human, partly supernatural staff takes care of them.
But not all of the workers are there voluntarily, as a young girl named Chihiro discovers one seemingly innocent day when her parents are taken away from her and turned into pigs, leaving her trapped and nameless in a strange world. Only by finding her name can she escape.
This fantastic tale bears more than a passing resemblance to Alice in Wonderland; it is also an allegory on identity and individuality as well as a glimpse into contemporary Japanese culture containing revealing economic instability and the value of hard work.
Winner of Best Animated Feature Oscar in 2002.
The original Japanese language will be shown on March 24 & 26, and the English dubbed version on March 27.
more info at this website: gkids.com/films/spirited-away
In Japanese (except March 27)