Man's Best Friend

A yellow lab puppy wearing a yellow and blue service vest being trained by a woman kneeling next to him.

Discover why dogs are more than man’s best friend. 

“They’ve been reshaped by evolution into the perfect partner for our species. And just as we’ve transformed them, dogs have left an unmistakable pawprint on us and the world we both share.” (PBS - Official Website | Human Footprint)

Join Adam Boyko, associate professor in biomedical sciences at the college of veterinary medicine, for a special introduction to the film "Man's Best Friend", which is part of PBS's Human Footprint series, and a discussion of the latest in canine genetics research. After the film, visit faculty-in-residence, Anthony Hay, and Cornell Companions in the WSH Browsing Library to interact with a variety of dogs and experience first-hand the beneficial effects of the human-animal bond.

Free admission and popcorn! This event is sponsored by Faculty Living-Learning Programs and is part of the “North Campus Goes to the Movies” film series.

Courtesy of PBS. Film website: 


About "North Campus Goes to the Movies"

This spring, Cornell Cinema is pleased to partner with the Faculty-in-Residence Program on a series of film screenings that highlight a variety of themes. All events are free and open to the public and will feature commentary by faculty from the North Campus FIR program.

The Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) program was established in 1980 to enhance the personal growth and development of students and to nurture their intellectual interest through informal interactions with members of the faculty.
