Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

A group of five people is sitting in a dimly lit room, with the central figure being a young girl in a dark dress with a white collar. All individuals are wearing party hats, and balloons are visible in the background, indicating a celebratory occasion.

Sasha is a young vampire with a very serious problem: she’s too sensitive to kill! Frustrated by their daughter’s empathy for humans, Sasha’s parents decide to cut off her blood supply to force her to learn how to hunt… or starve! Just as she decides to reject her vampire instincts and embrace a final death, she meets a lonely teenager named Paul who is willing to give his life to save hers, on the condition that she help to fulfill his final wishes before day breaks.

Part of our "Nosferatu Afterlives" series. Courtesy of Drafthouse Films. In French with English subtitles.
