Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years of Bauhaus

A vivid and visually stunning look behind the scenes of the world renowned Bauhaus school of design in Germany, as well as its legacy in Sweden, Switzerland, and Latin America. It celebrates the 100 year anniversary of the school, which, founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, aimed to bring together all of the arts into one colorful blend. The school became one of the most influential sources for modernist architecture and culture movements. Bauhaus Spirit focuses on the philosophy and history behind the many creators and their creations born in this building, as well as the building itself. Not only was art born in this building, the building itself is art, merging functionality with expressionist and modernist design. The school provides an opportunity for students of all backgrounds and identities, providing its own unique teaching methods. It introduces space, color, and the way you move through a space as key to design. “In Bauhaus Spirit, directors Niels Bolbrinker and Thomas Tielsch aim to chronicle not only the origins of the movement, but also how it intersects with aspects of contemporary life—from art, architecture, science, and even government.” (Chicago Reader)
Cosponsored with the Dept. of Architecture.
BAUHAUS SPIRIT: 100 YEARS OF BAUHAUS Trailer from Icarus Films on Vimeo.