12 Angry Men

A black and white photograph of eleven individuals sitting around a long table. The setting appears to be a formal meeting or discussion, with most individuals wearing suits and ties. Several documents or papers are visible on the table in front of them.

In this iconic courtroom drama from director Sidney Lumet, the fate of a young Hispanic-American man rests is the hands of the twelve jurors assigned to evaluate whether he is guilty or innocent of murdering his father. When one skeptical juror insists on reexamining the evidence of the case, what begins as an open and shut case soon becomes a mini-drama revealing each of the jurors' prejudices and preconceptions about the trial, the accused, and each other.

Playing out entirely in the space of the jury room and featuring an unforgettable performance from Henry Fonda, 12 Angry Men remains compelling examination the right to a trial by a jury of peers, a core principle of the American legislative system.

Valerie Hans, Charles F. Rechlin Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, will introduce the screening on Saturday, November 16.

12 Angry Men screens as part of our "Cornell Cinema Goes to Washington" series. Courtesy of MGM and Swank Motion Pictures.
